Friday, March 13, 2015

Field work planned

This week I have learned that I will finally be doing some field work, the long awaited time has come to pass. The first day of field work will be taking place two weeks from today, the 27th of this month and I am very excited. All of the planning is what brings me to the field work portion, the research I have been doing is the main thing that will help me. The place my internship supervisor said to meet at will be at the Oakland Nature Preserve, then we will head over to the cemetery. It is kind of hidden so this way I can just follow his car there until I have it memorized and then I can get there on my own. One of the main things we did talk about was visiting more then one cemetery, that way the data will be more broad. The other main thing was that he was going to help me get volunteers to help out with the data collection due to it being a large scale collection of data. The more help I get, the more I can use to compare and contrast which will be helpful, because I am just one person and just me going an collecting the data would not be enough to get a well rounded analysis to answer my research question. The data template I made will be coming in handy when I start with the data collection, it will also be used by the volunteers. The goal is by the end of the day after the data is written down in the template I will be looking at all the information and putting it into the deliverable poster. This is also where my knowledge of  Florida History will be needed, to see if any of the changes in the cemeteries happened because of a major even going on at the time of their death. With the book I will be looking at will be population, the Indian removal act, seminal wars dealing with the relocation of settlers, urbanization, and soldiers being sent to train in Florida during WWII etc. This way I know what was going on. All of these things in Florida History will be considered variables, as each of these things could explain changes. This week has been very busy for me so far, as I have begun to outline the book I mentioned last week, Gannon's The New History of Florida. I keep wanting to just read it through in order due to habit, but that would just be a waste of planning. After my internship is over I am planning to read it fully because it is an interesting read and what I like about it is that it is not just like reading a textbook which can get boring. The reason I do not is strictly time based, due to all of the work I will be doing with the data collection, I have no choice but to just do an outline of changes that would effect cemetery change. Such as the things I have mentioned sentences above. I realized when I begun reading it that I needed to buy some colored tabs to make it easier to find the things I am looking for in the book. Instead of buying colored tabs though I decided to make some out of old construction paper I had lying around. It was a good idea and makes it much easier for me to find what I am looking for.

Sources I am using for as of late:
- A Study of Duval County Grave Markers
by Lucy Ames Edwards
- Gone but not Forgotten: Wakulla County's Folk Graveyards
by Sherrie Stokes
- Graveyards and Social Structures
- Map and Database Construction for an Historic Cemetery: Methods and Applications
by: Johan Liebens
- Necrogeography in the United States
Published by: American Geographical Society
- Cemetery symbolism of prairie pioneers- gravestone art and social change in Story County
by: Coleen Lou Nutty
- Under Grave Conditions; African American Signs of Life and Death in North Florida
by: Robin Franklin Nigh
- Using Cemetery Data to Reconstruct Immigration and Migration Patterns: St. Michael's Cemetery, Pensacola, Florida
by: Sarah Elizabeth Patterson
- Gravestone Iconography and Mortuary Ideology
by: Frederick J.E. Gorman and Michael DiBlasi
- The Historical Archaeology of Mortuary Behavior: Coffin Hardware from Uxbridge, Massachusetts
by: Edward L. Bell
- Death's Heads, Cherubs, and Willow Trees: Experimentral Archaeology in Colonial Cemeteries
by: Edwin Dethlefsen and James Deetz

- In Small Things Forgotten
by: James Deetz
- The New History of Florida
Edited by: Michael Gannon

Sears Catalog:
-Special catalogue of tombstones, monuments, tablets and markers. (1902) Sears Roebuck & Co. Chicago, Ill.

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