Friday, April 17, 2015

Final Steps

Currently I am working on the final steps of my internship deliverable, I have collected my data and input it all into two separate spreadsheets. The cemeteries I went to are segregated, and only a few minutes away from each other. Which originally I found odd, but when you look at the dates of the white cemetery it makes sense. In the white cemetery their were people in there born in the early 1800's. So racism was alive and well when both cemeteries first started, but what is even weirder is that both cemeteries remain segregated, this is not due to racism however. It has most likely remained due to habit from both sides as well as them wanting to be buried with their families. What I did see from both cemeteries was that people with Hispanic last names were in both of the cemeteries, but there were not many. I am not sure what that means exactly, but I did find it interesting. So far after looking at both cemeteries further after finishing the spreadsheets I see some similarities and some difference, mostly differences. The white cemetery is the older of the two from looking at the birth dates on the tombstones. I noticed that the white cemetery has a lot more marble markers then the black cemetery. Any marble markers that the black cemetery had were usually military men, I also noticed that they had a large quantity of metal markers which just have the name, birth date and death date on it or sometimes just the name, birth year and death year. Other difference I noticed were the amount of unmarked graves in the black cemetery compared to the white one. They were usually either metal or concrete. The white cemetery was the harder of the two to collect the data from due to the material of most of the markers which was marble. It was so smooth at the time that it made it almost impossible to read the names, dates, or even iconography. The problem with the marble markers is that they can be readable if cleaned with enough pressure. The problem with that is that you do not want to rough up the marble with cleaning it. So the best I could do is clean each marker with a soft cotton cloth. Over all my experiences on the field went well and I enjoyed collecting all of the data. It is something that I would do again if given the chance to do field work, it was a great learning experience. The other thing that I have been working on this week is my rewrites of an assignment I had done earlier. The way i wrote them the first time was similar in how I write my blog, which is semi academic with a relaxed tone. While instead I needed to make sound more academic. Hopefully I was able to make my rewrites sound alright, I have also been working on my CV this week. It is still empty, but I did not expect it to be full due to me not doing much volunteer work. Now that I know that people are always looking for help with field work I hope to get some opportunities to be able to make my CV something I will be proud to show. Tomorrow through Tuesday I will be working on tweaking my poster and working on the final touches and making sure it is ready to present for my deliverable. It has been a lot of hard work and a great learning process and I am looking forward to presenting.  

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